BULLET HISTORY - 15-30min (5-10min max/section)
- People
- Experiences I invested in
- What materials mattered
MOMENTS, MIRRORS + MILESTONES - 30-60min (10-20min max/section)
GROUNDING IN THE PRESENT - 20-30min (10-15min max/section)
- Imagineer my pocket universe… what would I love?
- Desire mapping + commitments
- Themes + closing thoughts
🫂 People
📝 Writing prompt:
- Who showed up for me this year?
- Who did I support well this year?
- Who might I have under-appreciated? ******
- Who would I love to stay connected with? ******
- Who would I love to reconnect with? ******
🛩️ Experiences I invested in
📝 Writing prompt:
- What experiences did I invest in this year?
- Where did I travel?
- What do I want to budget (time and $) for again? ******
📱 What materials mattered?
📝 Writing prompt:
- What things or objects were valuable this year?
- What did I need less of? What can I remove?
- Do I want to make any shifts (or remember anything in particular) about my relationship to possessions? ******
🗞 External forces & happenings
What situations did I find myself in that weren’t what I wanted, or was expecting?
What occurred? |
What role did I play, what can I own in it? |
**What would have worked better? **** |
🪞 Internal patterns, stories & fears (about self + others)
What can I own now and be mindful of/grow from in future? I.e. Where might I have held judgment, lost compassion, under-loved myself, been reactive, avoided, or made things harder?
What was present? |
What beliefs took the wheel? |
**What would have worked better? **** |
🎖 Growth, progress & accomplishments
In what ways am I proud of how I showed up / co-created positive experiences or results?
What am I proud of? |
What role did I play in creating this result? What beliefs drove this? |
**What do I want to bring forward into my next chapter (i.e. what reminders, decisions, skills)? **** |
💡 Top Learnings
📝 Writing prompt:
- What reflections do I have on last year’s intentions / theme?
- Where did decisions or actions feel off track or distracting from stated desires?
- What were some of my top learnings / insights this year?
- What integration practices or habits worked best? ******
- If I only remember one thing, what’s my intuition telling me in this moment to not forget? ******
👋 Me, now
📝 Writing prompt:
- What are 3-5 of my top values? (Have they changed?)
- Individually
- In partnership (current or future)
- What makes me feel good? safe? loved? free? ******
- What attitude + character traits do I want to embody for myself this year? ******
- How do I want others to feel around me? What would cause them to feel that?
- Are there dormant parts of me I’d like to reclaim? ******
- What have I outgrown / what am I holding onto that no longer serves me?
✨ Dharmic Evolution | 14min
📝 Writing prompt:
- What type of change do I wish to create (what societal shift do I want to contribute to)?
- Where has my curiosity / energy / enthusiasm not wavered? What new awarenesses, details or angles have surfaced within my purpose or vision that I want to capture (to remember or explore more later)? ******
- What are two related objectives I might like to achieve this year?
- What are 1-2 key results for each?
- What challenges excite me about this path forward?
- What feels motivating about this (or these objectives)?
- What are 1-2 related, energy-sparking activities, content sources or conversation partners to tap into when needed?
💭 Imagineer my pocket universe | 6min
📝 Stream of consciousness writing, 1 min answering “what would I love?” for each
🎯 Desire Mapping + Commitments**** | 30min**
📝 Writing prompt:
🔮 Themes + Closing thoughts | 10min
📝 Revisit the ****** questions + sections above for a refresh on what I want to bring forward, see if any patterns stand out.